7 Symptoms of Pancreas Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

Have you been experiencing abdominal pain? Has there been a change in your bowel movements? (Perhaps they are so oily they’re difficult to flush).

These are issues you can’t afford to ignore. In fact, they are some of the 7 symptoms of pancreas problems that indicate you should be examined by our leading, board-certified gastroenterologists in Raleigh.

There are several potential causes of abdominal pain—some of which can be serious. That’s why we encourage you to get a referral so you schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible.

Problems with the pancreas can be one of the main causes of abdominal pain. Sometimes the pancreas is inflamed, creating a condition called pancreatitis.

But there are a lot of other diseases that cause belly pain. So if you’re having abdominal pain, how do you know that it’s connected to your pancreas?

You don’t. That’s where our experience comes in to help you.

What Should You Do If You’re Having Belly Pain?

You’ll need to work closely with our gastroenterologists in Raleigh to get to the cause of your issue. Abdominal pains are not just one of the 7 symptoms of pancreas problems,  but they can be signs of other diseases as well. This is why it’s important to get medical attention as soon as these indicators appear.

We’ll review 7 symptoms of pancreas problems, how we can help you when you’re experiencing them, and help you determine if you have any risk factors for pancreatic issues.

7 Symptoms of Pancreas Problems

Your pancreas is a vital part of your digestive system, and it’s instrumental in regulating your blood sugar. When it’s not working properly, it can cause a range of complications, many of which can quickly become serious. That’s why it’s so crucial to be aware of the indicators of pancreatic problems.

1. Abdominal Pains

So, you’re having abdominal pains. This can make it difficult to work, sleep and even eat. As we mentioned earlier, this is your body’s way of telling you there’s a problem. Don’t try to guess at what the problem is or dismiss it as indigestion. Because abdominal pains can be a sign of any number of diseases, it’s vital to get medical care from one of our providers as soon as possible.

After we accurately determine the underlying cause, we can tailor a treatment for you.

Typically, when there are problems with the pancreas, the pain is located in the upper belly, and sometimes this discomfort can be felt in the back.

2. Nausea and Vomiting

If you’re having nausea combined with abdominal pains, consider it a part of your body’s warning system telling you that something is not right.

Nausea and vomiting often occurs when the pancreas can’t break down food properly for digestion. It may also be caused by gallstones or having too much to drink.

3. Fever

Any time abdominal pains are accompanied by a fever, you should take it seriously. This could be a sign of pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. A fever is one of the seven symptoms of pancreas problems.

4. Oily and Smelly Stools

Because the pancreas produces enzymes that break down and digest fats, bowel movements that are oily and smell can be an indicator of a problem. While we realize that all stool is smelly to some degree, when the odor is stronger or more intense than usual, we recommend scheduling an appointment.

5. Jaundice

Do the whites of your eyes have a yellow hue or tint? Does your skin look yellow? This is a sign of jaundice, which can indicate several potential problems–and it should always be taken very seriously. If gallstones are responsible for your pancreatic issues, you could experience jaundice.

Jaundice is also an indicator that there could be something wrong with your liver, so to achieve an accurate diagnosis, you should contact us immediately to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

6. Tenderness in Your Belly

Does your abdomen hurt when you gently press on it? This tenderness can be another sign of problems with your pancreas or other digestive organs.

As we’ve mentioned before, this kind of pain can indicate any number of problems with your digestive organs, so we want to see you as soon as possible.

It will also help us if you can specifically describe the pain. Is your pain sharp and stabbing? Perhaps it’s more of a dull ache. These are clues that help us tailor an individual plan when you demonstrate one of these 7 symptoms of pancreas problems.

7. Losing Weight Without Trying

You’ve noticed that the numbers on the scale are getting lower. In some circumstances, this is good news, especially if you’re overweight and trying to lose weight.

But that’s the key word: “trying.”

If you’re losing weight without trying, it’s time to come see us. This can mean there’s a problem with your digestion or could even be a sign of something more serious like pancreatic cancer.

What Should I Do If I’m Having Symptoms of Pancreas Problems?

First, we recommend avoiding “Dr. Google.” As we mentioned before, abdominal pains can be an indicator of different diseases, and when your internet research produces a wide range of possibilities, it can be stressful. It’s best to trust the experience and expertise of our board-certified gastroenterologists in Raleigh.

Schedule an Appointment With Us

We’ve already reviewed the importance of this–especially if you’re showing signs of jaundice. We’ll need a referral from your primary care provider, but will ensure you get an appointment in a timely manner.

We’ll Schedule Lab Tests

A simple blood test can tell us a lot about how your digestive system is functioning. We’ll specifically focus on two enzymes: amylase (which helps you digest carbs) and lipase (which helps you digest fats).

You May Need a CT Scan or an MRI

These will enable us to get a clear view of your organs so we can see if there is inflammation, gallstones, or anything else that could be contributing to your symptoms.

We’ll Conduct a Physical Exam

This will also include a review of your family’s medical history.

How We’ll Treat Your Pancreatic Problems

We want you to know that we realize medicine isn’t “one size fits all.” In fact, it’s our dedication to the individual that makes our practice the provider of choice for Raleigh and the surrounding communities.

We’ll look at your overall health picture and treat you with compassion as a person—not a medical record number.

So as a result, the treatment may vary from person to person. If you have pancreatitis, we may do the following:

Help Ease Your Pain

If you have chronic pancreatitis, the pain can be severe and often lasts for a long time. We’ll help determine an appropriate course of action that will relieve your pain, and we may also refer you to a physician who specializes in pain management.

Prescribe Digestive Enzymes

Because the pancreas is such a crucial part of your digestive system, enzymes can help your body break down food more efficiently.

Encourage Dietary Adjustments

Maintaining a low-fat meal is important to help you heal. We can refer you to a dietitian who can help you find meals that are high in nutrients.

Abdominal Pains? Don’t Wait! Schedule an Appointment at RMG Gastroenterology Today

Our offices throughout Wake and Johnston counties present the perfect combination of personalized care and state-of-the-art technology. With our team-based approach, our physicians can provide evaluations as well and perform advanced procedures such as ERCP.

Most patients are referred to us by their primary care provider. So if you are having any of the problems listed above, we encourage you to speak with them. We would welcome the opportunity to care for you. If you need more information, just contact us.