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Diabetic Prep

Diabetic Instructions

Below are instructions on how to adjust your diabetic medications prior to the procedure that you have scheduled with our office. If you have any questions, please call (919) 783-4888.

Insulin Dependant Patients

Day Before Procedure:

Take your normal morning dose of insulin.
Take only ½ of your evening dose of insulin.

Day of Procedure:

Do not take your morning dose of insulin, but bring the insulin
to the hospital with you.

Oral Diabetic Medication Patients

Day Before Procedure:

Take your normal morning dose of oral diabetic medications.
Do not take the evening dose of your oral diabetic medications.

Day of Procedure:

Do not take your morning dose of oral diabetic medications.

Bytetta Instructions

Day Before Procedure:

Do not take Byetta.

Day of Procedure:

Do not take Byetta until after your procedure; when you resume your
normal diet.

WEATHER ALERT: All Raleigh Medical Group Gastroenterology offices will be closed on Thursday 02/20/25 and Friday 02/21/25 due to the weather